Curriculum Enrichment
Lunchtime and After School Clubs
Our sports coach and school staff run between 15 and 20 lunchtime/after school clubs. These clubs are free of charge and give all pupils the chance to learn something new or develop their skills or ability in a sport or area of choice. On a weekly basis we have approximately 150 pupils attending at least one club. Clubs change on a termly basis and some places are protected for vulnerable pupils. Pupils also have the opportunity to compete against each other and other schools. Regular clubs include: Badminton, Netball, Tennis, Gymnastics, Football, Rugby, Art, Cookery, Chess, Cross Country, Running, Hockey, Dodgeball, Drama, Art, Computing, Coding, Craft, Book Club, Choir and Dance. We have a couple of additional clubs that are organised by outside providers these are chargeable.
A list of the available clubs are shared with parents/carers at the beginning of each term. Parents and Carers can select their child's preferences using a simple online form.
Golden Time
For following the four golden behaviour rules all week, pupils in Y1-Y6 are rewarded with a weekly 50 minute activity that they have chosen. These sessions meet pupil interests and reflect pupil choice; they are designed to be fun but engineered by staff to include as much learning enrichment as possible for mixed ages.
Examples of golden time choices: Harry Potter Club, Fimo/Playdough, Retro Gaming, Orienteering, Craft Meets Science, Cookery, Arts and Crafts, Hama Beads, Painting, Board Games, Drama, Circuit training, Origami, Sewing.
Visits, Visitors and Memorable Experiences
Where possible our staff invite visitors into school to share their own skills and experiences helps hook and therefore engage our pupils in their learning.
We use our local area to its potential. For example, use the Allesley Park regularly for community initiatives such as planting, local walks and our cross-country runners use the fields to train. Our staff take pupils to the local library and visit local amenities to make links in learning such as using money and providing services in the community. We have planned trips linked to our projects. We ensure that our pupils have core memorable experiences we believe all pupils should have experienced …our 11 by Eleven!
11 by 11: Coast, Countryside, Mountain, Capital, Museum, Gallery ,Camp, Residential ,Stadium, Theatre, Train/Boat...