Home Learning
Pupils are very busy when they are in school. On average pupils have four lessons a day and although teachers aim to have a good balance of 'the listening' and 'the doing' we believe that it is important that time at home is for family time and for pupils to relax as much as possible and learn from daily life outside school. For these reasons, we only ask parents and carers to spend time with pupils at home doing the tasks below. This document explains home learning in further detail:Home Learning Expectations
Pupils should read at least three times a week (ideally every day) at home. Pupils have a selection of books to read and parents are asked to sign reading diaries or make comments. Pupils who do not read at home unfortunately fall behind their peers, so practise at home is essential. Parents and carers are expected to sign reading diaries. Younger pupils take home approximately four books per week; two of the four books are linked to sounds that pupils are learning in school. As children move further up the school they take home less books, but typically they are longer texts. Parents and Carers are asked to ensure pupils read the books linked to sounds as a priority. The photo below helps parents prioritise reading at home. Our reading leaders in school arrange an important reading meeting for pupils new to school. This meeting usually takes place in October when Reception pupils have settled in.
Times Tables
Times Tables Rock Stars is a maths programme that takes all the worry out of learning times tables and has a proven track record of boosting children’s fluency and recall in multiplication and division. Pupils enjoy it as it is an online 'game' like programme. It is used for pupils from Year 2 upwards. Year 3,4,5 and 6 are expected to spend at least 10 minutes per week playing the games including one studio game. Each game takes about 1 minute.
Rainbow and Planet Challenge
Pupils are given key maths objectives to learn from Year 1 upwards. The objectives include number facts. Pupils are given the facts to practise and work their way through colours of the rainbow and the planets in the solar system!
Numbots is an online maths site that can be used to practise basic maths including key objectives. Pupils in Year R, 1 and 2 are given logins for this website so that they can practise at home.
Pupils are given a few words to practise spelling on a weekly basis. The words will be a mixture of high frequency (or tricky words) and words that link to spelling rules.
Spelling Shed (used to help pupils with their spellings)
Spelling Shed makes the acquisition of spelling and word knowledge fun and engaging for pupils. The online games align to the spelling programme in school. Our staff will set games on spelling shed that link to the set spellings sent home. This is a fun way for pupils to practise.
Extra learning...
There are a number of websites that parents and pupils can access for additional learning. For example:
Oak Academy Learning. This website has high quality lessons and follow up activities too.
Parents and Carers: We have devices in school that can be borrowed if your child does not have access at home.